Thursday 23 January 2014

Internet of Things Spending Guide by Vertical Market

The Internet of Things Spending Guide by Vertical Market currently exists today in several industries but should also be considered as an emerging market. The enormous impact that IoT/M2M will have on many industry business processes will also challenge many horizontal-focused IT vendors and service providers. This is because the many components needed for end-to-end IoT solutions will create great friction in the economy and therefore great market opportunity as vendors expand their offering to gain IoT market share.
Because this is both a derivative market and a newly additive IT component, there are many opportunities for vendors to offer parts or product suites that cover the needed IoT IT set. And vendors will have incentive to do so as rapid growth will occur as industries see the convenience, productivity, and efficiency that IoT brings to business processes.

Markets Covered

This product covers the following segments of the Internet of Things market:
  • Hardware
  • Smart/connected devices
  • Software
  • IT services
  • Telecom services
  • Vertical IT spend

Subjects Analyzed

Throughout the year, this product will address the following topics:
  • Defines Internet of Things from an IT and process perspective
  • Vertical industry applications of Internet of Things
  • Market drivers impacting Internet of Things growth
  • How Internet of Things relates to the machine-to-machine (M2M) IT market
  • The IT components of Internet of Things

Key Questions Answered

Our research addresses the following issues that are critical to your success:
  1. What constitutes Internet of Things versus machine-to-machine processes?
  2. What are the different horizontal, vertical, and industry-specific IT elements that comprise the Internet of Things market?
  3. How will the Internet of Things IT market grow over the forecast period?
  4. Which vertical markets will show greater growth and IT market opportunity around Internet of Things processes?

Internet of Things IT Ecosystem

Source: IDC

Companies Analyzed

IDC's Internet of Things Spending Guide by Vertical Market is an Excel pivot table providing clients guidance of the expected technology opportunity around this new market for the United States and at the total worldwide level. Segmented into software, hardware/devices, IT services, telecom, and connectivity services and industry IT spend, the Internet of Things Spending Guide by Vertical Market service provides current vendors and newly interested IT vendors with insight into this rapidly growing IT opportunity and how the market will develop over the coming year.

Timely Delivery and Support

Throughout the year, this product will offer insight into the latest trends impacting the market. Potential studies include:
The Internet of Things Spending Guide
The overall worldwide and U.S. total addressable IT markets for IoT.
The Internet of Things Solutions Guide
IoT guide defines specific IoT solutions and associated leading vendors and market share.
Internet of Things Case and Use Studies
Specific vendor use cases help illustrate how IoT is impacting various industries.

Respond to Today's Dynamic Market


1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    The Article on Internet of Things Spending Guide by Vertical Market.It give detail information IOT products and Market Analysis. Thanks for sharing the information about it. iot application development
